Federal Student Aid

CTU participates in a number of federally funded financial aid programs, 按照现行的联邦和州法律以及学校的制度政策进行管理. 学生必须符合这些课程的资格要求才能参加. Students are responsible for providing all requested documentation in a timely manner; failure to do so may jeopardize financial aid eligibility. In order to remain eligible for federal financial aid, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined in the University Catalog.


Eligibility for federal financial aid is based on a number of factors; but regardless of your current income level or financial need, 你可能仍然有资格获得联邦财政援助计划,以帮助抵消你的教育成本.

For assistance on your FAFSA®,您可以联系联邦学生援助信息中心1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).

Federal Pell Grant

Grants are free money, that is, they do not need to be paid back. 佩尔助学金计划旨在帮助经济困难的本科生,他们希望在高中毕业后继续接受教育. All students are encouraged to apply through the FAFSA. Eligibility is determined by a standard federal formula which includes family size, income and resources to determine financial need.

How much can I get?

佩尔助学金的最高金额(对于那些符合条件的人)取决于项目资金,每个奖励年度(7月1日至6月30日)可能会发生变化。. The amount a student may receive depends on financial need, cost to attend school, enrollment status and the number of terms/payment periods attended.

2022-2023 Federal Pell Grant Program 100% Maximum
Range $692 - $6,895
2023-2024 Federal Pell Grant Program 100% Maximum
Range $767 - $7,395

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is a grant program for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Priority is given first to students with Federal Pell Grant eligibility. The federal government allocates FSEOG funds to participating schools. 这是一个有限的资金池,学校将根据联邦指导方针确定授予标准. 通常,由于资金有限,FSEOG奖励资源在奖励年度的早期就耗尽了.

How much can I get?

Amounts vary each award year based on the funding levels allocated to the school. For those who qualify, awards may vary based on financial need and the policies of the financial aid office.

FSEOG Maximum for an Award Year
Range $100 - $4,000

Federal Direct Loans

Loans are money that must be paid back. Federal Direct loans are low-interest loans that are made to the student. 这些贷款不需要信用检查,可用于支付直接费用(学费), fees, books and supplies). There are two types of Federal Direct Loans; subsidized and unsubsidized.


If students don’t qualify for a subsidized loan, 他们可能有资格获得无补贴贷款(独立学生也可能有资格获得超出基本金额的额外无补贴贷款)。. Unlike a subsidized loan, 学生有责任支付从贷款发放之日起直至全部还清的利息. 学生可以选择在校期间支付利息,也可以允许利息累积并资本化, added to the principal amount of the loan). Capitalizing the interest will increase the amount to repay.

Federal Direct Loans: How much can I borrow?

Whether subsidized or unsubsidized, eligibility is determined based on dependency status, financial need, cost to attend school and the number of terms/payment periods attended. Repayment obligations begin six months after the student graduates, withdraws, or falls below a half-time enrollment status.


Federal Direct Loan Annual Maximums (Subsidized & Unsubsidized Combined)
Dependent Student Independent Student
Freshman $5,500 $9,500
Sophomore $6,500 $10,500
Junior & Senior $7,500 $12,500
Graduate n/a $20,500
Federal Direct Loan Aggregate Maximums (Subsidized & Unsubsidized Combined)
Maximum Combined Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans Maximum Subsidized Loans - based on need
Dependent Undergraduate $31,000 $23,000
Independent Undergraduate $57,500 $23,000
Graduate $138,500 $65,500

Direct PLUS (Parent and Graduate) Loans

All loans are money that must be paid back.

A Parent PLUS Loan may be available to parents of dependent, undergraduate students. Either one or both parents may borrow through this program. The Parent PLUS Loan is not based on need, 但是,当与其他资源相结合时,不能超过学生上学一学年的成本. A credit check on the parent borrower is required. Repayment begins within 60 days of final disbursement of the loan. 然而,家长可以要求延迟付款,而学生参加至少一半的时间.

研究生PLUS贷款可以提供给寻求研究生和/或专业学位的学生,而不是基于需要. A credit check is required and the student must complete the FAFSA. Repayment begins within 60 days of final disbursement of the loan. However, students may request deferment of payments while attending at least half time.

How does the borrower apply for a PLUS loan?

家长(家长PLUS)和研究生(研究生PLUS)必须填写直接PLUS贷款申请和本票,该本票可在以下网址获得 http://studentaid.gov/plus-app/parent/landing.

How much can I borrow?

PLUS贷款(家长和毕业生)的年度限额等于上学费用减去收到的任何其他经济援助. For example: If the cost to attend school for the year is $20,000 and the student receives $8,000 in other financial aid, the PLUS loan may not exceed $12,000.

Federal Work Study (FWS)

FWS是一项经济援助计划,旨在帮助学生在上学期间通过兼职工作来支付部分教育费用. Positions may be on-campus, off-campus, or community service related. 候选人必须证明经济需要(由教育部确定)才有资格获得FWS奖. 可提供的职位数量可能会受到限制,这取决于学校每年从联邦政府获得的资金分配.

How much can I earn?

Federal Work Study students are paid an hourly wage. Wages for the program must equal at least the current federal minimum wage, but may be higher, depending on the type of work performed and the skills required. 学生在一个奖励年度内可获得的最高金额不得超过FWS奖励总额. When assigning work hours, the employer or financial aid administrator will consider the award amount, class schedule, and satisfactory academic progress. For a listing of available positions please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

如果学生的父母或监护人是美国驻伊拉克和阿富汗部队的成员,就可以获得伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金(IASG).S. 9/11事件后在伊拉克或阿富汗服役而死亡的武装部队, 在父母或监护人死亡时,该学生要么不满24岁,要么至少在大学兼职.

To be eligible, a student must:

  • Meet basic Title IV eligibility requirements, and
  • Not be Pell eligible*, and
  • Have been under 24, or enrolled at least half time at an institution of higher education, at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death.


*符合佩尔资格的学生在其他方面符合IASG的标准,可能有资格获得最高佩尔基金, even if the student’s EFC is greater than zero.

Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act

阵亡英雄的孩子(CFH)颁发给符合佩尔资格的学生,其父母或监护人在履行公共安全官员职责时死亡. 符合条件的学生能够在奖励年度获得最高的联邦佩尔助学金, as long as the student meets all Title IV aid eligibility requirements.

To be eligible, a student must:

  • Meet basic Title IV eligibility requirements, and
  • Be Pell-eligible, and
  • Have been under 24, or enrolled at an institution of higher education, at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death.


Financial Aid is available for those who qualify

Classes Start Jun 11, 2024*

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*Start dates may vary by program and location.